How To View Who Saved Your Instagram Posts

How To View Who Saved Your Instagram Posts

How to View Who Saved Your Instagram Posts

Have you ever wondered who has saved your Instagram posts? Maybe you’re curious about your most popular content or want to see who’s interested in what you’re posting. Whatever the reason, there’s a way to find out who has saved your posts.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to view who saved your Instagram posts:

Saved Posts Section

Begin by opening the Instagram app on your mobile device. Navigate to your profile by tapping on the profile picture icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Once on your profile page, locate the “Saved” tab below your profile bio. This section contains all the posts you’ve bookmarked from various accounts. To view the posts you’ve saved, tap on the “Posts” tab at the top of the screen.

Who Saved Your Posts

To see who saved your own posts, look for a post you’ve uploaded. Below the post, you’ll find the number of likes, comments, and shares it has received.

Tap on the list icon to the right of the like, comment, and share counts. A pop-up will appear, displaying the usernames of all the users who have saved your post. You can also see a breakdown of how many saves each user has made.

Understanding Post Saves

Post saves indicate the number of unique users who have saved your content to their own “Saved” section. It provides valuable insights into your audience’s interests and engagement levels.

Saves are different from likes or comments. While likes and comments represent active engagement with your content, saves indicate a more passive but still significant form of appreciation. Saved posts are essentially bookmarks, allowing users to revisit your content later.

Tips for Increasing Post Saves

Understanding who saves your posts can inspire you to create higher-quality, engaging content. Here are some tips to increase saves:

– Create visually appealing content: Use high-quality images or videos that are eye-catching and visually appealing.

– Provide valuable and informative content: Your posts should offer something valuable to your audience, whether it’s entertainment, information, or inspiration.

– Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags make your posts discoverable by new audiences. Use relevant and popular hashtags to increase the visibility of your content.

– Encourage user engagement: Ask questions, host Q&A sessions, or run contests to encourage your followers to engage with your posts and save them for later.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I see who saved my Instagram posts on my computer?

A: Currently, the feature to view who saved your posts is only available on the Instagram mobile app.

Q: Why can’t I see who saved my posts?

A: You can only view who saved your posts if you have a public Instagram account. Private account holders cannot access this feature.

Q: Is there a way to track users who frequently save my posts?

A: Instagram does not provide a specific way to track users who frequently save your posts. However, you can monitor your most saved posts to identify potential fans or brand advocates.


Knowing who’s saving your Instagram posts can be a valuable tool for understanding your audience and refining your content strategy. By following these tips, you can increase post saves and engage your followers even more.

So, are you interested in knowing who’s been saving your Instagram creations? Give it a try and let us know what you discover!

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