How To Remove Someone From Family Link

How To Remove Someone From Family Link

**How to Remove Someone from Family Link**

Imagine this: you’ve set up Family Link to keep an eye on your child’s online activities, but now they’re old enough to manage their devices independently. It’s time to remove them from Family Link and give them the freedom they deserve. Don’t worry – we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step.

Before we dive into the technicalities, let’s clarify the purpose of Family Link. This Google service empowers parents to set screen time limits, manage app permissions, and track their children’s locations – crucial safeguards for young internet users. However, as children mature and become responsible digital citizens, it’s essential to trust them with more digital independence.

**Removing a Child from Family Link**

The process of removing a child from Family Link is straightforward, but requires a few key steps to ensure a smooth transition. Follow these steps to give your child more autonomy over their device:

  1. **Log in to Family Link:** Open the Family Link app on your device and sign in with the parent account that manages the child’s device.
  2. **Select the Child’s Profile:** Tap on the profile of the child you wish to remove.
  3. **Navigate to Settings:** Click on the “Settings” icon in the top right corner.
  4. **Access Family Management:** Scroll down and tap on “Manage family members.”
  5. **Remove the Child:** Find the child’s name in the list and tap on “Remove member.”
  6. **Confirm Removal:** A confirmation message will appear. Tap on “Remove” to proceed.

Once these steps are completed, the child’s device will no longer be managed by Family Link. They will regain full control over their device, including the ability to install and use apps, adjust settings, and access the internet without parental supervision.

**Tips and Expert Advice**

Before handing over the reins completely, consider these tips and expert advice to help your child navigate the digital world responsibly:

  • **Communicate Openly:** Discuss the reasons for removing them from Family Link and emphasize the importance of responsible device use.
  • **Set Clear Expectations:** Establish guidelines for device usage, including appropriate screen time limits and website restrictions.
  • **Monitor Their Activities:** Encourage your child to share their online experiences with you and check in periodically to ensure they’re using their devices safely and productively.
  • **Foster Digital Literacy:** Help your child develop critical thinking skills and an understanding of online safety and security practices.

As your child matures, their digital needs will evolve. By gradually reducing parental controls and providing ongoing guidance, you can empower them to become responsible and savvy internet users.


  • Q: What happens to my child’s data after they’re removed from Family Link?

    A: Their data will remain intact on their device unless they choose to delete it.

  • Q: Can I add my child back to Family Link if I change my mind?

    A: Yes, you can re-add them by following the same steps as when you initially added them.

  • Q: What if my child has already aged out of Family Link?

    A: In this case, they will have full control over their device and Family Link will no longer be active.


Removing someone from Family Link is a crucial step in fostering your child’s digital independence. By following the provided steps and incorporating our tips, you can empower them with the freedom to explore the online world while ensuring they do so safely and responsibly. As your child continues to navigate the digital landscape, remember to stay engaged and provide support as they grow and learn.

Are you ready to give your child the digital freedom they crave? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.

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